こんにちは。WordCamp Tokyo 2023 リードチームの齋木です。
いよいよ WordCamp Tokyo 2023 の開催が今週末に迫りました。
For English information about real time translation, please reference the information shown at the bottom part of the page.
今回、WordCamp Tokyo 2023 では情報支援の一環としてUDトークによる音声認識と自動翻訳でリアルタイム字幕をご提供いたします。
今回は前方のスクリーンに投影して字幕を見ていただくのではなく、お手元のスマートフォンでパンフレットに掲載されている QR コードからアクセスして字幕を閲覧するようになります。

こちらは閲覧専用の URL で、アクセスするとスマートフォンのブラウザが開いて字幕を閲覧できます。
左側の QR コードがトラック A、右側の QR コードがトラック B の字幕にアクセスできる URL です。
パソコンでアクセスする場合は以下の URL をクリックして開いてください。
- トラック A
- トラック B


Hello, my name is Hiroki Saiki from the WordCamp Tokyo 2023 Lead Team.
Introducing UD Talk
At WordCamp Tokyo 2023, we will provide real-time subtitles with speech recognition and automatic translation by UD Talk as part of our information support.
UD Talk is an application that uses speech recognition technology to create subtitles in real time.
Recently, it has been used in TV dramas and also been handy when transcribing interviews in a variety of situations.
This time, instead of viewing the subtitles projected on the screen in front of you, you will be able to access the subtitles with your smartphone via the QR code provided in the brochure, the name card.
How to use UD Talk
Subtitles created via transcription by UD Talk can be accessed using the QR code on the brochure.

This is a browsing-only URL, which opens a browser on your smartphone to view the subtitles.
The QR code on the left is for Track A, and the QR code on the right is for Track B.
If you wish to see it from PC, please click on the URL below to open it.
- Track A
- Track B
About the transcription screen and translation function
UD Talk includes a function to translate the transcribed texts, so you can view the transcription in your preference.
Since UD Talk provides Japanese and Japanese-to-other-language translation, it does not support English speeches in some sessions.
We will provide consecutive Japanese interpretation for these English speeches, so please refer that.
A toggle button labeled “Translation” will appear on the UD Talk screen as shown below.

When this toggle button is turned on, English and Japanese are displayed together. If you wish to browse in English, please use this toggle button.

You can select a language other than English from the “English” pull-down menu on the right side of the screen.
If you would like to check the spoken language on the screen, or if you would like to view in a language other than Japanese, please take advantage of this service.